
Tool of Digital Nomad: Installing WordPress Blog in DigitalOcean


This post explains how to set up a WordPress Blog server in the DigitalOcean. This Blog server has run since Oct., 2020, and its overall Page View (PV) is about 3000 per month.

I am sure that it will need an upgrade of the server and its pricing plan in the nearby future when getting more PV.

As a start-up kit, we can quickly generate a sufficient and minimum WordPress Blog server with the cheapest (standard) pricing with 25GB SSD + 1GB memory + 1CPU, which is only about 5 EUR per month.

The Name.com service is giving a domain (europe-nomad.com) of this Blog, and the price is only about 2 EUR per month.

Having a small system, it's an incredibly cheap combination. This plan using an independent Cloud server on DigitalOcean and a unique domain service on Name.com would be the most economical and useful plan we've ever found in Oct., 2019.

An advantage of this choice is because the Cloud plan is neither particularly customized for the WordPress nor Blog server. We can utilize the system for different uses, such as programming or prototyping services on the server and something else.

Tool of Digital Nomad: Installing WordPress Blog in DigitalOcean

As follows: the cheapest (Standard) pricing in the DigitalOcean is providing a minimum Cloud server with 25GB SSD + 1GB memory + 1CPU. Its price is $5 (=about 5 EUR) per month.

Pricing of the DigitalOcean Cloud

The price of the DigitalOcean is the cheapest one at the moment. For instance, in comparison with the other Cloud provides, the price on the Google Cloud is $6 (= about 6 EUR) per month.

The Linux distribution is, of course, selectable. The server which has run this Blog is the cheapest one, but there is no problem with the WordPress Blog with about 3000 PV per month.

Even if suffering from the disk space, adding every +10GB by +$1 per month to the Cloud server is easily possible. When the Blog increases the traffic and requests, it's rather easy to have a plan upgrading the present one to the higher one.

The advantage of general Cloud server is that we can have much more freedom on how to utilize it than the plans of particular Blog servers. When fed up of writing and running Blogs, attempting the other things is also easy.

On this Blog server, I continuously run some other test programs and R codes and even use it as a jump host. For digital nomad, it's worth keeping such remote server at a meager price.

Configurations in the DigitalOcean

Sign Up DigitalOcean

First, sign up DigitalOcean. Then, select a button "+ Add Project" on the left and add a project. It shows a configuration display of a project. In this example, put the "Blog Server" project.

After the creation of the project, select "Get started with a Droplet.".

Next, choose a plan (the cheapest Standard plan $5) and a distribution you prefer to use. I selected "CentOS7".

It'd be convenient to put ssh key during this initialization. Connect to the ssh server in the Cloud server as soon as it boots.

Congratulations! You have the server now!

Installing the WordPress server

The following setups are for RedHat Enterprise Linux ver. 7, which includes the CentOS7 distribution. Probably, better to write its procedure into a Bash script.

On this Blog server, a Bash script automates all setup, configuration, and backup processes.

Installing required packages

Installing MySQL (MariaDB), PHP ver. 7, Apache HTTP server and some basic tools.

Configuration of swap memory

On the cheapest server, the amount of memory is only 1GB, so that better to increase the size of swap memory in SSD. For instance, I run the following Bash script.

Configuration of MySQL (MariaDB)

The following script is applying a configuration of MySQL user.

Installing WordPress

We can easily install WordPress as well. Execute the following Bash script (please replace BLOG_NAME and PASSWORD).

Please make a configuration of the Apache server. We can edit the HTTP server configuration file as follows. When without using virtual host mapping, please put the only alias line (replace BLOG_NAME and BLOG_DIR).


Finally, please restart the Apache Web server.

When connecting to "http://YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME/BLOG_NAME/wp-login.php", it displays a login console of the WordPress server.

Configuration of Server Certificate

Having not complicated stuff, making the communication secured by SSL (HTTPS) is straightforward. When SSL is enabled, it encrypts the Web server-client communication.

The "certbot" command can deal with it. Please execute it with the command line with your domain name. It asks Email address and if the redirection from HTTP to HTTPS is allowed.

Complete! Please connect to "https://YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME/BLOG_NAME".


This post explained the way how to start a WordPress server on DigitalOcean. As the domain name configuration is smooth. SO, I did not write a configuration of domain name registration. There are many for it.

I recommend DigitalOcean and Name.com. This Blog server uses both services, which are about 7EUR per month.

  • The minimum price of the DigitalOcean Cloud is about 5 EUR per month. Its price may be the cheapest.
  • Name.com is only 2 EUR per month.
  • The different uses on the Cloud server are also possible.
  • It is tolerant enough with the present PV (3000PV per month).
  • This article wrote the way how to install a standard WordPress Blog server.
  • It's easy to enable HTTPS.

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